Follow the life of Winston Churchill by taking a private tour through the most important and personal sites he knew so well, including skip the line entry tickets to The Churchill War Rooms.
Trace his life, career, style and passions through the streets, shops, and buildings special to him. Starting at his childhood home, and those of his great ancestors, the tour moves on to his bachelor days and homes he lived in during his early married years.
"I am a man of simple tastes; I am easily satisfied with the best" - Visit tailor shops where Winston Churchill had his suits and hats made, including the famous 'Siren Suits'.
Churchill's trade mark Cigar barely left his lips. Visit his Cigar Merchant and sit in the great mans chair. (Smoke a Cigar too if you like)
The second part of the tour focuses on the career of Churchill, including The Houses of Parliament, 10 Downing Street, and of course entry to the Churchill War Rooms.
A fully private guided tour tailored to you.
Price £189
Min age 10
Rating 4.98 / 5 [87 ratings]
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