1 A stronger immune system
Prominent US microbiologist and immunologist Mary Ruebush PhD wrote a fascinating article on how dirt and germs may actually be good for us.
She notes: “The immune system is like an athlete: To become strong and adept, it needs training and practice. Hyper-sanitized environments deny it that opportunity and keep it sedentary and out of shape.”
Indeed, medical professionals back in the 1980s linked obsessively sanitised environments that eliminated all harmful bacteria exposure with a surge of cases of children being diagnosed with asthma and food allergies. The prognosis: avoiding exposure to harmful bacteria leads to weaker immune systems and increased autoimmune disorders.
“An adventure a day keeps the doctor away.” Unknown
Conclusion: Travelling to foreign lands, and eating foreign foods especially, will do wonders for your harmful bacteria exposure – and thus your immune system. So maybe that trip to India (and the inevitable stomach upset), is not such a bad idea after all…