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Travel bucket list idea:

Imperial Fora

  • Rome, Lazio, Italy

Last updated: 23 April, 2024

Adjacent to Rome’s original Forum, these tremendous ruins – a series of squares known as fora – were among the greatest works of the Romans.

These are several successive works, built by Julius Caesar, Augustus, Nerva and Trajan; each was a huge collonaded square with a monumental building at the centre.

Trajan’s had a great library as well as Trajan’s Column, covered in reliefs celebrating imperial victories. Next to this is the enormous, well-preserved Trajan’s Market, which has been called the ‘world’s first shopping mall’.


Price: Free
Minimum age: 0
Age suitable: 18+
When: All year around

Getting there & doing it

The entrance to the site is in Piazza Santa Maria di Loreto, near Trajan’s Column.

From there, following the footpath through the site, which meanders through a part of the Forum of Trajan, under Via dei Fori Imperiali, through the cellars of the Quartiere Alessandrino, across the Forum of Caesar and finishes near the Forum of Nerva. You exit there onto Via dei Fori Imperiali.

When to do it

The site is open all year round, seven days a week.