Travel bucket list idea:
DDR Museum
Berlin, Germany

Credit Shutterstock.com/Ulf Wittrock
East German living was never as much fun as at this award-winning, hands-on museum. Opened in 2008, it’s full of regalia designed to give a sense of life under the former communist regime of the Deutsche Demokratische Republik.
Sit in a Trabant car, lounge in a 1970s living room and watch state TV, or pretend to be a Stasi agent and monitor a bugged flat. No torture chambers here – this is all about Ostalgie (nostalgia).
For the complete immersive experience, stop by the DDR Restaurant attached to the museum. It serves up dishes that replicate the cuisine eaten during the days of the German Democratic Republic.
Getting there & doing it
Take the S- and U-Bahn to Alexanderplatz, then walk towards the Berliner Dom. The DDR museum is on your right hand side just before the river.
When to do it
It’s open all year round, seven days a week.